Teaching civics
Sandra Day O'Conner has a web site www.ourcourts.org. She encourages students to learn about the way government works so they can understand how it affects them and how they can effect change.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Post and Courier - Hip-hop history 101 - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
If only all education was relevant to the real world. Just imagine the student interest.
The Post and Courier - Hip-hop history 101 - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Hip-hop history 101 - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Post and Courier - Child care subsidies keep 'poorest of the poor' at work - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
A welfare state is a police state. Beware government subsidies for child care are going full steam.
The Post and Courier - Child care subsidies keep 'poorest of the poor' at work - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Child care subsidies keep 'poorest of the poor' at work - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Post and Courier - Affordable tuition needed - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale is a huge factor in out-of-state student acceptance. Grade point averages are an integral feature of acceptance or denial to college. S.C. uses a 7 point scale compared to out-of-state 10 point scales. Our state has set our students up for failure. An 80 in S.C. is a C on a 7 point scale or a B on a 10 point scale. How are our students to compete when we have unfairly set them up to be non-competitive. This is industry corruption at its finest. Colleges are business industries and will protect the bottom line and their national profiles by manipulating secondary policies. It's all about the money!
The Post and Courier - Affordable tuition needed - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Affordable tuition needed - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Deficit reality check - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Erskine Bowles is a old family friend and a Democrat who said "We can't tax our way out." Congratulations Erskine for taking a stance against tax and spend policies.
The Post and Courier - Deficit reality check - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Deficit reality check - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - S.C. adopts school standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Another 160 million of your money bites the dust.
The Post and Courier - S.C. adopts school standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - S.C. adopts school standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
The Post and Courier - Schools may adopt new standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Race to spend more federal stimulus money. Deficit is not a language understood by educrats. I recommend finance education for those in education.
Adopting the new standards could help the state's chances at securing money in the federal Race to the Top grant competition, and it gives the state an opportunity to do now what likely would be required in the future by the reauthorized federal No Child Left Behind legislation, Harrison said.
The Post and Courier - Schools may adopt new standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
Adopting the new standards could help the state's chances at securing money in the federal Race to the Top grant competition, and it gives the state an opportunity to do now what likely would be required in the future by the reauthorized federal No Child Left Behind legislation, Harrison said.
The Post and Courier - Schools may adopt new standards - Charleston SC - postandcourier.com
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