Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Post and Courier - Literacy must be statewide focus, report says - Charleston SC -

The Post and Courier - Literacy must be statewide focus, report says - Charleston SC -

I have identified the problem and the solutions for addressing literacy in grades K-3. South Carolina's Standards of Learning are set at The Department of Education. Education Weekly reports in Quality Counts that SC's standards rank 92% nationally and our student achievement is 64%. The problem like the Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test is we test and teach children above grade level. We expect kindergarten children to perform on the first grade level which is not age, grade or developmentally appropriate. We must align the standards to be developmentally appropriate so teachers can teach and children can learn. We all know that practice makes perfect and reading is the hardest thing we learn to do and we learn it as children. The idea that children will read by 4 years old is not realistic for their human growth and development. Most children are not proficient or confident readers until the 3rd grade. We must allow the natural progression for brain maturity to develop and stop rushing the normal development of children. SC's literacy results have proven that we need to get back to the basics for children to build a firm foundation is reading, writing and math.

The Post and Courier - School board OKs budget - Charleston SC -

The Post and Courier - School board OKs budget - Charleston SC -

Government needs a lesson in economics. What business do you know that will grow services at $22.4 million with an expected short fall in revenue of $12.3 million for the next year? Public Education. South Carolina's median funding is $12,400 per pupil. The Charleston school board is proposing an additional $5.6 million in new money to teach reading when they are already paid and required to teach reading. Educational malpractice or misappropriation of funds? Money is not the problem or the solution to the ailments of our educational systems. Poor education is polarized in poor policies and financial mismanagement. A struggling student is a sign of the lack of professional development to assist the needs of the student. SC is suffering from state policies that are mandated down to the local levels. The Department of Education sets the Standards of Learning with a department for every subject. The experts at the department make up standards for 360 days and expect teachers to cover the material in 180 days. This logic is illogical. Common sense requires business sense.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Even in Recession Local Governments Keep Growing

Even in Recession Local Governments Keep Growing

Public employment reduces private employment. Just say no to increased local government services.

The High Cost of South Carolina's Low Graduation Rate

The High Cost of South Carolina's Low Graduation Rate

Interesting research. SC Salary Database SC Salary Database

With the economic recession, unemployment and foreclosures still rampant, I thought taking a look at government jobs would be informative. It's time we look at limiting government services that burden the private working class.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

hsgrguidance.pdf (application/pdf Object)

The new cohort calculations for high school graduation.
hsgrguidance.pdf (application/pdf Object)

State Board of Education Adopts New High School Graduation Requirements Effective with 2004-05 Freshman Class

South Carolina needs to follow suit with New Jersey in offering alternative learning opportunities that are applicable and relevant to each student. One-size does not fit all.

State Board of Education Adopts New High School Graduation Requirements Effective with 2004-05 Freshman Class

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Facebook | Weldon Davis wants Drug testing For Welfare In South Carolina

It seems we are turning into a police state against the advice of our founders. Warrant less searches has already passed the Republican General Assembly. I love how the very people who promote less government and individual liberty are bound and determined to limit constitutional rights to privacy. If you really cherish freedom then we need to fight for our rights. Tyranny is repugnant.

Facebook | Weldon Davis wants Drug testing For Welfare In South Carolina