Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The 15 Money Rules Kids Should Learn -

The 15 Money Rules Kids Should Learn -

Personal finance and financial literacy are key to basic education.

Delaware, Tennessee Win Race to the Top Grants -

Delaware, Tennessee Win Race to the Top Grants -

The ranking of states and federal stimulus control.

Race to the Top Winners Announced | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Race to the Top Winners Announced | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Nanny government and our money.

Florida School Choice Rally Shows School Choice is Still on the March | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Florida School Choice Rally Shows School Choice is Still on the March | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

I believe school choice is the best option to give parents a choice and voice in the educational decisions that are in the best interest of their child's education and not the government. School choice is the foundation of free markets.

Heritage Foundation Bookstore - One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty

Heritage Foundation Bookstore - One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty

The school to prison pipeline criminalizes adolescent behavior through school resource officers. To criminalize human nature is criminal.

Conservative Policy Research and Analysis | The Heritage Foundation

Conservative Policy Research and Analysis | The Heritage Foundation

YouTube - We The People

YouTube - We The People

Self-determination has been limited inside public eduction. It is my plan to restore individual freedoms of choice by opening up more than one option for a high school diploma. Vocational and/or college prep diplomas includes skilled labor and a knowledge based education for seamless transitions from school to work or college. That is future opportunity of self-sustainability for our next generation.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The standards of learning are fundamentally flawed at the state level and the curriculum is not aligned at the school level. SC's standards of learning are ranked second in the country with a 92% rating and our student achievement is rated at 64%. Effectively our SOL gets an A and our students get a D. It is my plan to revise and align the standards of learning to be age grade appropriate so teachers can teach and students can learn the fundamental basics of reading, writing and math.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Post and Courier - Possible tough sell for House budget - Charleston SC -

The Post and Courier - Possible tough sell for House budget - Charleston SC -

The remedy for state budget deficits is to live within the budget. When government grows government services above and beyond their take home pay then they are acting fiscally irresponsible. As a business owner we all know that you don't hire or keep non essential services that you can't afford. Education is a business that grows employment with tax payer money. The inevitable outcome when faced with loss of income is reduction of non essential services. Secondary education is infamous for creating jobs by creating courses that are non essential for graduation by requiring these courses for graduation. The state high school diploma requires 5 additional course credits for graduation that are not required for admission to college. The cost of these courses exceed a half a billion dollars. The Department of Education is in need of a major over haul from the top down. Accountability and transparency will only be accomplished by a complete audit and justification of services offered. Bring on the Legislative Audit Council and the real story will unfold.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obama Calls for Major Change in Education Law -

Obama Calls for Major Change in Education Law -

The Federal Government still setting education policy for the states. I do agree that schools need to be held accountable. We send our children to school to learn what that don't know and when schools fail to teach then they need to be held accountable for student failure. It is my plan to implement real life relevance by offering both college and vocational programs and diplomas. Graduation is job #1 and that is my focus.

Liberals Hope to Stimulate Obama With Coffee Party - AOL News

Liberals Hope to Stimulate Obama With Coffee Party - AOL News

Citizens are drinking in the coffee and tea party movements to find compromise.

History Revised, Teachers Sacked: The Book Wars in Texas and Beyond -- Politics Daily

History Revised, Teachers Sacked: The Book Wars in Texas and Beyond -- Politics Daily